Rumour Alert

**** Rumour Alert****

Rumour Alert – Executive Board Members in hot water again. The Carmen Santoro School of Labour Law may be finally challenged. OPFFA Board Members have followed their leader Carmen Santoro for many years, continuing the harassment and bullying behaviours Carmen set the example for with no repercussions. Rumour has it that an employer has finally had enough. Tired of ignoring the OPFFA harassment and bullying tactics members and employers endured for so many years….they are making a stand against the OPFFA bullies and harassers….will OPFFA leaders be able to utilize Liberal political and police connections to assist in evading and conceal their harrassment/bully tactics like so many times before?…Stay tuned….

Since the aftermath of Carmen Santoros part in The Great Divide within the OPFFA membership, it seems the lines between right and wrong are still very confusing to some. When one is caught being harassing, bullying; repercussion avoidance techniques taught from OPFFA and Carman. – If unable to cover up illegal behaviour; “Deny, deny deny” , state it “was a joke”, “project” (accuse others of owns actions, deflect/distract with flaring tempers (Intimidation techniques). If all else fails call in sick {for example when confronted about bulling and harrassing Carmen called in sick stating he had a “rare terminal back cancer” and was going to succumb to the disease and unable to work as the stress of dealing with life threatening sickness was too stressful.

Apparently members of the OPFFA are being accused of harassment and bullying again OPFFA District Rep and Local President Dan Vanderlillie and Secretary Treasurer Paul Cunningham are being accused of improper workplace etiquette.

Will there be another million dollar lawsuit? Members and Widows are concerned that union will continue to misuse Widows WSIB Benevolent funds and fire members unions dues to fund another lawsuit. (not what those monies are intended for)… Stay tuned

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