Rumour Alert

**** Rumour Alert****

Rumour Alert – Executive Board Members in hot water again. The OPFFA School of Labour Law may be finally challenged. OPFFA Board Members have followed their leader Carmen Santoro for many years, continuing the harassment and bullying behaviours he set with no repercussions. Rumour has it that an employer has finally had enough. Tired of ignoring the OPFFA harassment and bullying tactics members and employers endured for so many years….they are making a stand against the OPFFA bullies and harassers….will OPFFA leaders be able to utilize Liberal political and police connections to assist in evading and conceal their harrassment/bully tactics like so many times before?…Stay tuned….

In May of 2023 a harassment, hazing took place in the City of Burlington at Central Fire Station.  which involved a recruit class of 10 Firefighters in their 1st month of Probation.

2 Training officers, Captain Steve Jones and Captain Jason Laporte had purchased thongs (minimal clothing worn by stripteasers; a narrow strip of fabric that covers the pubic area, passes between the thighs, and is supported by waistband) for the recruits to wear throughout the day. 

During the shift Captain Jones and Captain Laporte would do physical checks on the recruits to ensure they complied and kept their thongs on.

Later on, supervisors Captain Jones and Captain Laporte had the recruits dance for them in their thongs. The supervisors instructed the recruits to each perform a “lap dance” (a very erotic form of entertainment, where a naked or nearly-nude performer straddles a customer and moves in a rhythmic, sexual manner on his or her lap) for on duty Captain Scott Collins to celebrate his upcoming birthday.

After the Captains “lap dances” the recruits were lined up and instructed to “drop your pants”, then to dance for another On-duty shift Supervisor.

Following “Thong Day” an officer who was in charge of training new recruits had a conversation with them inquiring about what had happened.  As this officer was not present or involved during the hazing harassment, he then passed his notes and findings to supervisor Chief of Training.  Because of seriousness of this type of hazing it was also made aware to Shift Supervisor Dan Vanderlilie (also local union president and a District Director for the Ontario Professional Fire Fighter Association (O.P.F.F.A).  Supervisor Dan Vanderlilie did not document or make his supervisors aware of the harassment.

At the time of this incident the recruits were 3 weeks on the probation.

A complaint was made to the Corporation of the City of Burlington (Human Resource Department) about this harassment incident.

This complaint prompted an investigation with a 3rd party lawyer. With harassment/hazing incidents, usually all parties involved would be interviewed.  But for this specific case, only 2 of the new recruits were interviewed. 

There are videos and still photos which were uploaded to Whats App for their group to see. Once the harassment was leaked, the video and pictures were deleted.

To help aid for the “Union Cover-Up Phase”- the Union executive members are making an offer to the new recruits… Union executive are soliciting recruits to make false statements and to state that it was in fact “the new recruits” idea to purchase and wear thongs for their supervisors.  Imposing them to start their firefighting careers with a lie.  A lie to their family, friends and coworkers.  In exchange if the recruits accept the union’s offer, they are offering immunity protection within the union for the duration of their careers. As well possible Pensionable positions in the future with O.P.F.F.A and /or I.A.F.F Committees.

The victims of the hazing/harassment are concerned and fear retribution and bullying if they tell the truth of what happened.

Captain Steve Jones works with the Health Commission of Canada dealing with Workplace Harassment as well as in a Leadership Program.  He recently received an award for Education in Anti-Bullying and Harassment.

Supervisor Dan Vanderlilie, Captain Paul Cunningham and Captain Jason Laporte literally wear pins identifying them as part of Workplace Harassment and Bullying program for the City of Burlington.

The Firefighter Supervisors and Fire personal who did the harassing and hazing had been demoted while the other 2 were terminated as harassment is not to be tolerated in the Workplace.


Fire Management and employer have established that harassment and hazing will be acceptable within the workplace by reinstating the harasser’s in their positions and rehiring back the guilty personal.

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