Peer Support

Talk to someone who has lived with an operational stress injury and has travelled the road to well-being. Visit the OSISS website or call 1-800-883-6094 . Trained veteran and family member peers can provide one-on-one coaching and support.

The VAC Assistance Service

This counselling and referral service is available 24/7. It is a free, confidential service for Veterans, their families, and all those who are concerned with their well-being.

Call toll-free 1-800-268-7708
TDD/TTY: 1-800-567-5803

Bereavement Support

There is bereavement support for families dealing with the loss of a loved one. This is available by calling the VAC Assistance Service toll free, 1-800-268-7708or TTD/TTY 1-800-567-5803.

Also, the HOPE program (Helping Our Peers by Providing Empathy) is a peer support program that provides confidential peer support to current and former members of the military or their families who have lost a loved one. Call them at 1-800-883-6094 or email

Honouring the Fallen

The Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation was created to honour and remember firefighters who have been killed in the line of duty and to support their families. The CFFF is a registered charity and operates by fundraising.

Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Canadian Red Cross

Planning for and dealing with House Fires

One of the most common emergencies that Canadians experience is a fire in their home. In Canada, house fires are most likely to occur between December and March. The most common causes for fires at home are cooking (leaving the stove unattended), improperly extinguished cigarettes and candles left unattended.

Canadian Red Cross


Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation


The Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation is committed to building a National Monument honouring the dedication and sacrifice of all Canadian Civilian and Military Paramedics who have lost their lives in the line-of-duty.

Canadian Paramedic Memorial Foundation

Know of a helpful link?

If you know of a service or link that could benefit those in need, please contact us to have it added.