Hamilton Fire Department Local 288 voted 58 % in favour of rejoining O.P.F.F.A with 42 % against. O.P.F.F.A assisted Hamilton Fire President Stan Double to change voting to pass at 51%, changing from their usual voting pass of 70%. President and O.P.F.F.A understood the vote would not pass unless they lowered the pass mark. Rumours that he was compensated with a position within the International fire union in return for implementing the voting revision. Many are discouraged paying into 3 unions. Frustration and bewilderment rise as members pay into several unions, yet they still contract outside sources for consultation. Several unions contract former O.P.F.F.A president Carmen Heard for contract negotiations and labour consultation. Union dues paid into 3 unions and still no one union adequate to accomplish the work?
UPDATE * Stan Double forced to step down from Hamilton Fire President position
Stan Double received backlash and ridicule for the actions he has taken. Local members not agreeing with the path Double has taken. With the help of the I.A.F.F. and O.P.F.F.A union leaders,
- Stan Double did not meet requirements for a promotion within the department, so he changed the constitution rules and lowered the minimum requirements for himself and was able to obtain a promotional position.
- After switching the Voting system from 70% to 50% for joining a 3rd union many members see it as a betrayal.
- The reward for Stan Double actions? he has been given a pensionable position with the I.A.F.F. union board.
Talk amongst fire service include amalgamation the 3 existing unions into 1, with hopes of saving on over saturated union dues. Why pay into 3 unions when most professions can obtain results with one union?
Although Stan Double has received harsh criticism for his decisions, some are saying he did not want to sell out Hamilton fire department and its members. However he realized if he tried to do what’s best for the city he would be succumbing to harassment and bullying from the OPFFA and IAFF union as evident by past history. Although his actions cost him his Presidency position within his local, Double decided to give in join 2 other unions and reap the benefits and receive no harrassment.
typical union corruption, omers, IAFF power corrupts!